Crush and steep specialty grains in 1 gal of 150 deg F water for 20 minutes. Strain grain water into brew pot. Sparge the grains with 1/2 gallon water at 150 deg F. Add water to the brew pot for 1.5 gallons total volume. Bring the water to a boil, remove the pot from the stove, and add DME, sugars and bittering hops. Add water until the total volume in the brew pot is 2.5 gallons. Boil for 50 minutes and then add Irish Moss.
Boil for 10 minutes, remove pot and cool for 15 minutes. Strain the cooled wort into primary fermenter and add cold water to obtain 5 1/2 gallons. When wort temperature is under 80 deg F pitch yeast.
Ferment in the primary fermenter 5-7 days or until fermentation slows, thensiphon into the secondary fermenter. Bottle when fermentation is complete with 1 1/4 cups wheat DME.
Original recipe from "Clonebrews" by Tess and Mark Szamatulksi